Q:Is there any kind of honorific Japanese? 日本語の敬語には種類がありますか?
A:Yes, there are 3 types. "Sonkei-go" "Kenjou-go" "Teinei-go". はい、「尊敬語」「謙譲語」「丁寧語」の3種類があります。
”Sonkeigo” These are the words and the way of changing them when the speaker wants to appeal his respectation. One of honorific.
尊敬語 話し手が相手に対し尊敬の意を込めて話したいときに使う言葉です。敬語の一つ。
”Kenjougo” These are the words and the way of changing them when the speaker wants to appeal his infiority to the answerer. One of honorific.
謙譲語 話し手が相手にへりくだって敬意を表したいときに使う言葉です。敬語の一つ。
”Teineigo” These are the words and the way of changing them when the speaker wants to make his words sound gentle. One of honorific.
丁寧語 話し手が丁寧に話したいときに使う言葉です。敬語の一つ。